Friday, March 6, 2020
Simple Conjugations of Danser, French for to Dance
Simple Conjugations of Danser, French for to Dance When you want to dance in French, which verb would you use? If you answeredà danser, then youd be correct. The similarity of the English and French words makes it an easy one to remember. Its also a relatively simple verb to conjugate into the past, present, or future tense. Conjugating the French Verbà Danser Danserà is aà regular -er verb. It follows a standard verb conjugation pattern which is found in the majority of French verbs. This means that learning it is just a little easier, particularly if youve already memorized words likeà dà ©ciderà (to decide) andà cuisinerà (to cook). For the simplest verb conjugations, begin by identifying the verb stem:à dans-. To this, we will add a variety of infinitive endings to pair the subject pronoun with the appropriate tense of the subject. For instance, I dance becomes je danse while we will dance is nous danserons. Subject Present Future Imperfect je danse danserai dansais tu danses danseras dansais il danse dansera dansait nous dansons danserons dansions vous dansez danserez dansiez ils dansent danseront dansaient The Present Participle ofà Danser Add the ending -antà to the stem ofà danserà to create theà present participleà dansant. This is a verb, though it can be an adjective, gerund, or noun in some circumstances. The Past Participle and Passà © Composà © Theà passà © composà ©Ã is a common form of the past tense danced in French. To construct it, conjugate theà auxiliary verbà avoirà to match the subject pronoun, then attach theà past participleà dansà ©. Its quite simple when it comes together. For example, I danced is jai dansà © and we danced is nous avons dansà ©. More Simpleà Danserà Conjugations There may be times when you need to use one of the following forms ofà danserà as well. However, the conjugations above should be your primary focus at first. You can use the subjunctive verb mood when the action of dancing is uncertain. In a similar fashion, the conditional verb mood implies that the dancing will only occurà ifà something else happens. In literature, you may also come across the passà © simple or the imperfect subjunctive. Subject Subjunctive Conditional Passà © Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je danse danserais dansai dansasse tu danses danserais dansas dansasses il danse danserait dansa dansà ¢t nous dansions danserions dansà ¢mes dansassions vous dansiez danseriez dansà ¢tes dansassiez ils dansent danseraient dansà ¨rent dansassent For statingà danserà in short exclamations, requests, or demands, the imperative form is used. For instance, Lets dance! is Dansons ! When creating these, skip the subject pronoun as its implied in the verb itself. Imperative (tu) danse (nous) dansons (vous) dansez
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